Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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THE SONG OF THE SNOW. By Mrs. M. J. Preston, Lexington, Va.
Halt! the march is over;
Day is almost done; Loose the cumbrous knapsack,
Drop the heavy gun. Chilled, and worn, and weary,
Wander to and fro, Seeking wood to kindle
Fires amidst the snow.
Round the camp-blaze gather,
Heed not sleep nor cold ; Ye are Spartan soldiers,
Strong, and brave, and bold. Never Xerxian army
Yet subdued a foe, Who but asked a blanket
On a bed of snow !
Shivering 'midst the darkness,
Christian men are found There devoutly kneeling
On the frozen ground; Pleading for their countr\r
In its hour of woe, For its soldiers marching
Shoeless through the snow!